
LI MINGJIANG, China debates South China sea policy

Mô tả
The past few years  have beenan eventful period for the South China Sea  dispute, which has  always been a crucial issue for peace and stability in East Asia.  In 2009, the submissions of extended continental shelf claims to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf by various parties in the dispute created the first round of diplomatic tussles. China‘s action of  submitting  its nine-dotted line map  in the South China Sea to the UN, in particular, sparked strong opposition from other claimant states. The diplomatic contentions at the ASEAN Regional Forum  (ARF)  in 2010 in Hanoi, particularly between the American and Chinese officials, marked the unprecedented  rise of  tensions  over  the South China Sea issue for over a decade. In the first half of 2011, a series of incidents, including Beijing‘s eavy-handed actions  against the Filipino and Vietnamese fishery and energy exploration activities in the South China Sea,  further exacerbated the relations among relevant parties  in the regional dispute.  As a result of all the happenings, the relations between China and some ASEAN claimant countrieshave worsened and  external major powers are getting increasingly involved  in the South China Sea issue.
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